Tuesday, October 03, 2006

fears and insecurities

Everybody feels fear more or less. That's why people don't allow others to come very close;that's why people avoid love. The fear is that the other may be able to see your emptiness if he comes too close.You have never been able to accept your inner emptiness-- that's the fear. You have made a decorated surface; you have a beautiful face and you have a good smile; you talk well, you are articualte, sing well, have a beautiful body and persona.Behind them is emptiness... You are just a surface — that is the fear — you don't have any depth.


Skylight said...

Hmmm.. Sasuke.. nice..
but sometimes the fear isnt about inner emptiness.. sometimes the fear is about the amount there is within, and whether anyone can take it.. rather than the facade being deceptively 'full', sometimes the facade can be deceptively 'empty', hiding the very depth within.that's what you dont want ppl to come close enough to realise.

raghu said...

dnt think dats da case wid me.. i wunt want 2 let ne1 get 2 close 2 me.. cos v always fear.. v r always insecure abou secrets n stuff.. i avaoid keepin secrets... but der always r stuff ur not comfy sharin wid evry1
neways nice ekdum opp pt of view.. nice

The New Age Superhero said...

me of the szme opinion of raghu

Punvati said...

But then again.. the fear of letting someone come too close could be because of the fear of losing that closeness if that person were to become distant.. to footnote a friend of mine, that is called fearing love, the root of all fears.. but to state my counter to that, only if you overcome that particular apprehension can you experience a lot in life.. things that would matter a lot to you would otherwise be missed out on.. you just have to be willing to risk the possibility of bad experiences to enjoy the good ones in life..

The New Age Superhero said...

div! amen! real wise words sis! :)

Punvati said...

Thank ya, thank ya :)

raghu said...

all gud expriences end badly.
i hate dat.
i do dislike loosin ppl.. the very thot of havin 2 move away frm ppl scares me.. i hate gettin..i( shunt use da wrd) addicted 2 ppl.. really

raghu said...

yup wat div says is tru..real tru.

Ashley said...

Wow that was really deep..

raghu said...

im feelin used..

heh? ok said...

you have to choose between feeling bad and feeling nothing. personally, i think pain is better than numbness, coz atleast it relents sometimes..

raghu said...

@ div
im not missin ne good xp at all..:D
havin all da fun!
@ sangy
haha.. dnt div div plaese dnt read dis.. the wrd"nothin" has already spoilt my one post ..abou god.. not dis 1 !